Emotionally abusive boyfriend?



ive been with this guy for around 6 months now, when i first met him he was everything i ever wanted. the first few months have been amazing but recently, he has been “pranking me” about how he hates me and wants to break up with me. he also always calls me names and puts me down. many of my friends have witnessed this and when he was called out for it, he just gets angry at me for not taking his side and that im wrong. when im calling him and i have food, he repeatedly calls me fat and that i should lose weight. he has also made me send nudes, i tried to say no but he then continued to say things like “wow you hate me” “do it if you love me” and things like that. he has them saved on his phone. if i dont do something he wants to do he threatens to break up with me and starts yelling “fuck off you little bitch” “your such an annoying piece of shit” , etc

he is usually his “normal self” but out of no where becomes like this. he had mentioned that he has a short temper and takes pills whenever his anger gets out of hand, and we’re pretty certain he has ADHD

my friends have told me to leave him, as he literally makes me cry EVERY SINGLE NIGHT but i love the “normal” side of him and he’s my first everything. im scared that if i break up with him he would “expose me” with the nudes and tell everyone about the thing we did...

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