3 months old!


My Elliebean is 3 months old! At her doctors appointment Thursday (the day she turned 3 months) I asked her pedi about how lazy she tends to be during tummy time. When she’s on my chest she holds her head up unsupported for 5-10 minutes straight but on her belly she would just suck her hand, I was worried she was falling behind in neck strength. Our pedi goes “well, let me put her on her belly to see the laziness for myself” and wouldn’t you know, this ornery little show off rolled from belly to back for the first time! Our doc tried again 3 times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke and every time just a swift roll. It was wild! Now, I can’t keep her on her belly, she goes right to her back after a second or two! 😂 She’s pretty darn close to rolling from back to front. She’s so tiny, it just blows my mind how strong she is!

Ellarae Margaret is thriving! 10 lbs 14 oz, 22 in little peanut!