need help on leg/knee


ok so like february 2017 so almost like 2 years ago i think, i broke or chipped my tibula, right below the patella, i was 13 years old and in 8th grade. it took like 4 months to heal, like with a cast and bionic looking knee brace, and both of these went from under my butt to my ankle, they were really annoying and stuff but that’s not what i’m here for lol. it’s now end of december, like 2 years later and i’m a sophomore in hs and well while my knee/leg is better and fully healed and i can do everyday stuff and workout, i’m in cheer and well i have to maintain a pretty flexible body. everytune i stretch i have to stretch extra befure everyone cuz i have to stretch out my knee/leg so i can actually do our regular cheer stretches together but evey stretch that involves bending my knee or straightening it causes an average amount of pain that doesn’t work out, jyst i get used to the pain i guess. like stretches like when you bend your calfs back and sit on ur toes(hope u understand what that is) or jyst any bending hurts a lot that i thought i would grow out of. but when i sit on my toes i can’t fully sit on my left one(the knee i broke) cuz it hurts too much and it won’t bend fully and i feel like when i do that pose it’ll crush the muscle or something. and then another stretch that absolutely kills me is the spider man stretch where you bend one leg and stick the other out and whenever i bend my right leg it’s fine and i have no problem and it doesn’t hurt and leg bends fully but when we switch to my left leg it hurts sooo much, i can’t bend it fully, i even have to push myself off the ground a little cuz the pressure one the left leg becomes to strong or power and sometimes i fall over which sucks. sorry this was a lot just trying to explain what it’s like i guess, well if any of you guys have ANY help of what i should do or any idea of what is going on and if you think i can work out of it more, i will take any help or tips THANK U!!!! <3