Laura • Wife & Mother of two❤

What did your doctor do when he/she told you that you have PCOS?

We have been trying for over a year for my second and his 1st.

I am asking because when i went in about march-june (not sure) my doctor didnt do anything. He just looked in my vagina and then said i have it. Then pretty much based it on my weight and my super irregular periods. In middle school/high school i had them every 6 months. Then i got on implanon for about half of 4 years. And didnt have any periods on them. I got that out in June 2014. And i have o ly had about maybe 1 period 2 months later (september). Then i got put on progestrone to jump start my period and that happened about twice.

should i get a second opinion or demand an ultrasound and get proof? or what?