Here again sorry:Down to Army or Air Force


Hello all, I’m still going through my research phase in the military. I’ve decided that I want to do active duty because after speaking with a few veterans and friends that are in the military, everyone has a different experience and after hearing both bad and good experiences I’ve notice that the stage I’m in right now is very important for me.

I mentioned in a previous post what the Army recruiter told me I could do in active duty (come in as E4, let time pass, then become an officer) and what she said personally doesn’t sound bad to me. A few people that were and is in the Army told me to look into the Air Force. So I did and found the Special Investigation Officer interesting. But I have been told that it’s hard to even become an officer in the Air Force and they really don’t care if you come in with a college degree. I saw online that in the Air Force if I come in with a degree, I’ll be an E3. I’ve tried getting in contact with the Air Force recruiters where I’m located but I’m still waiting to hear back.

I guess what I’m really trying ask is from the Army side, how’s active duty and is there somethings I should know before joining that my recruiter won’t tell me?

For the Air Force: is it really hard to rank up and become an officer? Is what I heard true? How’s active duty?

For Both: What is a good ASVAB score to have to have a good job in both branches.

To Everyone: I have also been studying the ASVAB through the ASVAB app on my iPhone and already know that science, math, and the mechanical section will be my downfall. Any good tips on how to study well for it?

P.s: Thank you all for taking your time to comment on the posts I put in the group, you all have helped me so much!