Baby Colton's arrival

Lisa • 36 years old, first time mom after 7 years ttc, baby boy Colton born Aug. 23rd 👶. Lost 2nd baby at 7 weeks.
My baby boy decided to come today, 5 weeks early. My water broke yesterday morning and after a trip to ER dr didn't think it was amniotic fluid. Woke up at 3 a.m. today with contractions and had back labor. ER discharged me again cuz my cervix was closed and I was in full fledged labor by noon and just barely made it to the hospital on time. I was dialated to 9 cm and had Colton David within minutes after 2 big pushes. He's in the nicu at 4 pounds 14 ounces and 19.5 inches long! He's doing good and may be there a few weeks until he can gain weight and breath on his own. I have no tolerance for pain and did this all without pain meds. If I can do it you girls can do it:)