Any 12/20 FET buddies? When are you planning to test?

Linda • TTC#1. 38yo 💍 34yo minioncito 7/1/18 #1 IVF 11/12/18 2 pgs normal ❄️ ❄️ 1xx 1xy -> 12/20/18 frozen embryo transfer

When are you planning to take a home pregnancy exam? My beta scheduled for Fri 12/28. I transferred a 5 day PGS normal girl.


1st beta 8dp5dt 12/28 hcg=53,

2nd beta 11dp5dt 12/31 hcg=112,

3rd beta 15dp5dt 1/4 hcg=445

Ultrasound 1/16

How’s everyone doing with your betas and upcoming u/s?