Cat experts needed 🤣 partners cat attacks me


So since i moved into my partners flat a year ago (he lives with another mate ) me and his cat never really got on together 🤣

He walks over the plates in the kitchen (that's where he sleeps ) so not only do I wash the plates but have to do it twice because when they dry they be hairy again..

He jumps all over the furniture scratching it ( the whole headboard of our bed and our sofa is ruined) and then obviously everything is also covered in his hair 😑

So since i came along I've been straight up with the cat and instead of letting him away with things I react and remove him from the room if he's scratching our furniture and also don't let him get on the table and the dishes.

Any time I tell him to get out though he doesn't listen to me. Lays down and either goes into that cat lying position to attack or he just doesn't move. I can't lift him because he doesn't like to be lifted and id be asking him to attack me really lol.

Since I got pregnant , and now I'm 33 weeks he has gotten worse and has literally attacked me few times when I walk past clinging onto my leg and bitting me.

Today he's actually bit into my skin , I immadietely went and slapped his bum and said no and locked him in the kitchen.

When the baby is born , we don't have a house yet so we have to stay in the flat until we find one and financially afford it . But I am so scared that my baby is not gonna be safe with the cat.

My partner and his mate think he doesn't like me because I don't allow him to do things. (Well obviously not gonna let him get away with scratching the furniture)

But men - it's scratched already so no point stopping him now.

The fact is he needs to be taught in my opinion... But anyway I said that once the baby arrives I don't want the cat anywhere near this room where the baby will be. And of course my partner went into one how I can't be doing that and all.

But am I wrong ? What if the cat doesn't like what the baby does and attacks him. It takes 2 seconds. (I'll never leave my baby alone) but he literally goes up to you for you to pet him and when you do pet him in a way he doesn't like he just automatically turns.

What can I do for the next few weeks to teach this cat some manners 🤣? Or get him to stop attacking me. It's like he thinks he's the boss.