GD with second pregnancy


Just took my 1 hour and it was 146. I had GD with my first so I was somewhat prepared this might happen. Im 28 weeks. I don’t want to take the 3 hour. It seems like a waste of my time so I rather just go on the diet and check my sugars. I also don’t want to sit through a $500 appointment with the dietician. This isn’t my first rodeo and I was diet controlled the first time. I was very strict and educated myself so I don’t feel like they will give me any new info. Anyone not do the 3 hr or dietician the second time? I know my doctor will recommend it but I’m fine with the diagnosis and checking my sugars. My son was born at 40 weeks at 6 lbs 12 ozs. Being induced was the worst! That is my biggest fear. He developed sepsis from such a long labor. 😫😫