So confused

Têênâgê.Dîrtbâg • 🔓single🔓♣️16♣️🌈Pansexual🌈Ftm transgender🌈 ♣️He/him♣🕷2003/10/31🕷🎶music is me🎶⛓always restrained by my demons⛓

there are 2 stories please read first


So my friends brother he's 17 gunna be 18 the last time I went to their house he kept randomly touching my hair (I have short hair) I had a piece of my bangs on the side of my head and he moved it to the front and kept touching my hair until I shook my head (I'm super shy and really never had contact to hands before I have anxiety it's weird I know) and I sorta blushed,when I was in my friends room he randomly came in and said something and touched my hair and left does he like me or is attracted to me idk

2.okay so this guy keeps staring at me when I go to my church meeting and his hands get red whenever I'm around so does he idek and his sister gave him that look like (I know u like her) when he had to sit sorta next to me(1 seat away)

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