Diagnosed 9weeks postpartum ...

Lauren • Happily married and expecting our first baby (boy!) in June 💙
Hi ladies! I am 26 and the brand new mommy of a beautiful baby boy:-) Also, now brand new to this new MS club I could never have imagined ever joining. My first sypmtoms appeared at 5months pregnant when my legs and feet would go numb and lose sensation -- being that I was pregnant my OB simply said I was experiencing sciatica and I never gave it another thought. Then the last week in July I woke up with painful, blurry vision in my right eye. I waited about 2 1/2 weeks thinking it would just clear on its own but eventually I saw an optometrist, who immediately sent me to an opthamologist, who blurted out "do you have an MS diagnosis?" and this past week has spiraled from there. After 4 MRIs and boat loads of lab work, plus the high dose IV for my Optic Neuritis - I got the RMMS blow officially on Thursday. My neurologist is phenomenal but I am just completely overwhelmed and quite devastated. I'm trying to stay positive but I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster. I do have 2 lesions on my spine so my Dr is recommending I start one of the oral DMTs as more aggressive treatment; either Tecfidera or Gilenya. As a new mommy, wife and 1st grade teacher the side effects are quite scary. 
Hoping for any guidance I can get in helping me navigate these new, terrifying waters and hear your (hopefully positive) experiences.