I Need Help, Advice...Please.

I am almost 21 with a 7 Month old & 5 months pregnant their dad has been in & out of their life since my daughter was 2 months, we've been officially seperated since she was 4 months, she sees him once or twice a week for a few minutes, he was very physically abusive since I was 6 months pregnant with my 7 month old & last time he hit me I was 2 months pregnant with my son. I don't allow him to take her over because his parents home is not a healthy Enviorment for my daughter. His dad is always on drugs or drinking, his sister is always on a pill high or acid, he is doing coke, acid, shrooms, sniffing pills & drinking, last time I took her over to stay for a few hours he was drunk & on acid, his sister was high on pills & it was only him, her, their brother & 6 year old sister in their home so I didn't let her stay & when she sees him he is always on something for the most part & so I don't allow her to Sleep over on weekends. I've been stressing so much at this point I just want his negative energy & his families toxicity away from us, I want to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy stress free...am I wrong for just letting him see her whenever he asks? Is there anything I can do legally so it can stay that way? If so How do I start? Also, he doesn't help much financially & although it was hard fod me to decide on this, how do I go about child support?

Please No Bashing.