Is he bored with me or am I just crazy?

So my fiancé and I dont have sex but we do other sexual things. I love him and want to have sex but it makes me nervous because I always think of 'what ifs' and plus, I've always believed that sex should wait until after marriage. I always feel like I'm the one to always start something up or kinda hint to him that I want to play around but he says that he's too tired (he works second shift so he doesn't get home until later in the evening). I get upset when we get in bed sometimes because I'm wanting to do something but he never does anything. Our work schedules don't always match up so the days where we are off don't come around until every other week. He has told me before that everything has to be so sexual with me so I don't want to make it seem like a chore I just wish he would take initiative sometimes. Is it just me?