Naps are basically gone



This regression is kicking our butts. Last night she slept great! Woke once at 2:30 to eat, went to bed around 6;45pm, woke around 7am. But her first nap was 15 minutes. Woohoo 😒 yesterday she took 2 45 minute naps and one 15-30 minute nap. Idk what to do. She’s drinking plenty of milk, eating plenty of solids. Should I leave her if she wakes up before a certain amount of time? She wakes up crying and then will rub her face but refuses to frigging sleep! Help!!

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Posted at
Same boat here. Mine’s never been a good napper and don’t know what to do to get her to nap longer! 30 minutes almost every single nap 😩


Mr • Dec 28, 2018
She used to take 3 one hour naps. So this is rough. I have been keeping her on her schedule, so every 2 hours I lay her down. Even if her nap is 15 minutes, but I’ve been letting her lay for 10-15 minutes after she wakes up to see if she’ll fall back asleep.


Posted at
Hey :) it was the same with my little guy. He wouldn't sleep past one cycle for naps... Then i found this:'s a series of articles on naps... I read them and realized that he just hadn't learned how to get to the next cycle. So i did what they suggested. When one cycle was up, i went in to the room. As soon as he began stirring, before even opening his eyes, i shushed him a bit and patted his butt. That seemed to carry him into the next cycle well. I could remove myself from the room in a matter of 10min or so, when i was sure he is again sound asleep. Did that for a few days, now most naps are at least an hour to an hour and a half long. Read them, can't hurt ;)


Nika • Dec 28, 2018
They list several things that could be the problem and several solutions. This was our problem (one cycle only) and solution that worked for us. Could be one of the other things for you. It's worth a shot 😊


Mr • Dec 28, 2018
She used to take 3 one hour naps sometimes I’m not sure that’s her problem. But I will look into them. Thank you!