3 month old trouble sleeping through whole night in crib


My daughter is 3 months 6 days, I have her on a schedule at night to give bottle for 7/730 and then she goes right down. She sleeps in her crib from 8 til about 1ish then she starts fussing every night, sometimes she stays in her crib longer but every night at that time wants to not be in crib anymore. I pull her into bed w me and she sleeps the rest of the night.

Any advice how to keep her in her crib? I have tried rocking her back down putting hand on chest

But she will keep waking unless she is in bed w me? I don’t want her to get used to sleeping w me cause I want her to go the whole time in crib.

Anyone going through this and any advice

I have to constantly put pacifier back in mouth if she starts fussing at 1am

Any advice to help her sleep longer in crib would be appreciative