Not sure what this is...

Ive been to 3 different doctors and haven’t been feeling better yet. I know you ladies aren’t doctors, just trying to see if any of you guys have experienced this as well?

My symptoms:


Upper stomach bloating


Cold and Clammy hands and feet


Food Aversion

I spend hours sitting on the toilet waiting to either have a bowel movement or throw up, both of which never happen.

I have bad anxiety and have found this does get worse when I am anxious.

I have been diagnosed with SIBO and IBS with constipation and am on medication for both, but nothing seems to help long term. Things get better for a bit, and then they get bad all over again.

I’ve been miserable and I don’t know where else to turn. I have seen 2 GI doctors with the same results and don’t know where else I should search for answers. Any stories would be appreciated