Brown a little pink.

Lynnette • im a mom.

So the day before Christmas I start a little brown spotting. Which I usually do after my period my last period was Nov 7, 2018. I started Metformin last Friday because my sugar is acting up. Anyways... Christmas it was a little more brown but nothing I needed to wear a pad for. Then the next day was a little more but still not enough for a pad. By the end of the night it had a tad pink in it but still never enough to wear a pad. That last night me and my so had sex. I cleaned up. Then the next morning nothing. And haven’t since. I’m so confused. Yes I’m ttc. And since September been obsessing. Then after I didn’t get a positive this month and no period I’ve just gave up. But this brown discharge has got me all jacked up in the brain. And I don’t want to test again and get a negative. I need good vibes please.