Raw birth photos and birth story

Alex • mommy of two ❤️

I had a fairly easy pregnancy up until 30w. My due date was 11/27/17. I had stopped working at 26w as my so and I discussed so I could rest and get ready for our sweet baby. Around 31w I was put on bed rest due to preeclampsia my bp was elevated and I had protein in urine. Around 34w I had to do a 24hour urine sample thing where you pee in a jug everytime you go until you have to turn it back in. When I went to to turn it back in they asked if I peed in it every time and I said yes, that’s all I could do even with drinking fluids, I knew that wasn’t a good sign! I was sent back to my OB. My bp was super high and was told my urine sample wasn’t a good sign. They sent me home on complete bed rest.

I had another appointment 11/01/17. I went in did the normal routine, but this time I was sent to the hospital for over night monitoring due to baby not moving a ton and high bp. Well in my head I was thinking great, my So had to leave out for the military that night and would be gone a week and where he would be at was 3 hours away. Well he got me all tucked in at the hospital later on and left out. Fast forward to the next morning. I wake up at 6am on the dot and I was peeing myself. I ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet only to find out whatever it was wasn’t stopping. My water had broke. I call for my nurse and she confirmed it had broke and they transferred me to l&d. My so was away w the military & I was terrified. Once I got situated in l&d I called him and told him my water had broke, and GUESS WHAT. He told me I knew you were going into labor I’m in the hospital parking lot. Y’all he drove alll the way there 3 hours to drive three hours back. He had gotten noooo sleep. He comes up and we are both laughing talking about look at God working his miracles.

Well that’s when the pain starts. I was only 1c when I called for the epidural. I hate pain, call me a baby whatever. Well once they stuck me and it kicked in I was out. So from around 7/8am to 4pm I was asleep. They check me and I was a 6 and they start me on pitocin. Our immediate family was the only ones at the hospital like requested waiting for his arrival. So far I was thinking this is easy, people make labor seem so bad. Well 5pm rolls around and it’s my mom, my best friend and So in the room and I’m feeling the pain, the epidural is starting to ware off. My mom leaves the room to go smoke and Byrds(my so) dad comes in and starts to teach me breathing techniques. Y’all I was so thankful in life for him!!

I can’t even keep up with time so he leaves and my mom comes back in and we are all just playing the waiting game. I was checked again and no progress. Well I’m in sooo much pain I’m wanting something else for it. And let me also say my bp was up there. We are all surprised they didn’t wanna perform a csection it was deadly high. Well the anesthesiologists comes in and gives me something and it helps a little but not much. 6:45pm and I start feeling pressure, my nurses let my dr know I’m getting close. (He was in surgery that would last ab 2 hours) well I’m checked and I’m 8/9cm. So any time now. Well 7:15 rolls around and I’m yelling at this point. I told the nurses I’m pushing whether they like it or not. I felt him coming. They told me no not yet let your almost to a 10 so try and keep him in. Well they call for my dr to come because I wasn’t having it. I was pushing on my own not knowing what I was doing. 😂 I was just going with what my body was telling me. Well my dr is here literary lly. He’s gearing up my mom and so are holding my legs. My best friend is taking pictures. I’m pushing and I’m actually surprised I never not once screamed like you hear in movies. I just grunted basically. Well a couple of pushes and my baby is OUT. 7:37pm 6pounds 8oz and perfectly healthy. Born at 36 weeks. I had torn so I had gotten stitches and was good to go.

Let me start by saying this. Giving birth is the easiest part. It’s the postpartum that hurts, that’s draining. Especially if you’ve ripped. Don’t let anyone scare you and say delivery is bad because it was the easiest part for me and I was terrified to deliver but once your in that room and it is happening your body just knows what to do and you go with the flow.

Him now!

Thank you for reading xx