He surprised me...

“My” man got me this today ...

It’s a Michael Kors bracelet that was $115.

He got it as a surprise, he sent me off wandering to look at clothes and he took me home and he popped this beautiful sucker out.

It’s the most expensive thing I’ve owned, jewelry wise.

Back story though this is the best part.

I’ve known him 48 HOURS.

He is the sweetest person you ever did meet.

He’s an engineer.

A country boy.

Soooo respectful.

Old style gentleman (opens doors, doesn’t let me buy ANYTHING, bought me flowers, etc)

Sounds crazy that I met him after only knowing him for a short time but we talked on the phone first and there was automatically a connection.

I am always weary about meeting new people but with him it was different and he’s the man of my dreams I swear to god.


He is not the man of my dreams because he buys expensive things, I’m just showing off the expensive thing.

Before I met him, I pulled a background check and it’s clean.

And we have mutual friends, just never met through the mutuals.

He’s just a rare gem.