Please Help. Is This Normal? TMI


So to fully explain the situation, I have been diagnosed with PCOS in the past and sometimes I bleed for longer periods of time.

On November 19th, my dad unfortunately passed away from long term heart complications and I actually started what I presume to be my period that same day. I have been bleeding ever since then, but it has been different from my “normal sense” of prolonged PCOS period bleeding. This time I have been experiencing numerous clots, which is unusual for me. The clots have ranged in size but they were always within normal range (according to Google they should be no bigger than a quarter size). However, I just passed this clot now that is definitely much larger than a quarter.

I know that with the stress of my dad passing and other personal matters, my body may react a bit funky, but I guess I’m unsure of how to proceed. What do you guys think?

So sorry for the gross but obligatory TMI picture.