Should I confront her?

Hello readers, my bf(father of my 19 months old) has been talking to a lady “friend” almost everyday. He says it’s just to practice Russian but idk. They have been talking everyday through What’s App. She lives out of the USA. I didn’t go through all there messaging because it’s just Russian and I don’t understand it. So I took pics of the texts and went on google translate. No sexual pics were exchanged but idk if they talk on other apps so idk. There are several selfie pics they’ve exchanged with one another. And most of the selfies she sent, he replies with “beautiful “ but in Russian. He only ever calls me pretty now but that rarely. And also said I let myself go. I am neither fat nor skinny. He always bring me down like this whenever he talks to another female as a “friend”.

I’m thinking of confronting her and asking her side if she sees my bf more than just a friend? But idk how to ask.

Yes, she does know about me. My bf would send photos of our daughter to her. Yes she is real because I guess on What’s App, you can send voice recordings as well.

Everytime I ask my bf, I get the “she is just a friend” speech.

The things we used to do we don’t do them as usual. Ever since we dated four years ago, we’ve been saying goodnight and good morning in russian. He says it to her but now, to me, not as much. It’s The Little things I miss. But I feel like I’m being replaced.