Medical management not worked?


Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone else could share their experiences on medical management. I went into hospital on the 27th and took my 4 tablets. They were adamant 4-6 hours later I’d experience cramping and bleeding and told me it would be painful so pain relief would be there for me if I wanted it. 7 hours passed and nothing. Late that evening after being discharged I did experience a tiny little bit of red spotting but no pain or cramps to go along with it. The next morning I checked my pad and that had changed to brown spotting. Again no pains or cramps. I’ve had nothing else since. I was expecting clots, severe cramping, the lot. I have a gut feeling it hasn’t worked but I’ve told to wait a week before going back. Anyone else had barely any blood loss but or a similar experience? Surely if I’m not cramping my little beans won’t come out?