Does your husband sleep with you?

So our daughter is 3.5 weeks old and is exclusively breast fed as of right now.

So my hubby falls asleep on the couch which I’m okay with sometimes... but it’s been more of late.

Part of me is okay with him sleeping out there cause I know I need him to make sure he’s had his sleep to be able to look after the two of us. I’m the human cow so sleep will come later.

Anyways, he’s been great through this whole pregnancy... he actually quit smoking, has stopped drinking right now, is making sure I have what I need before he goes to work, will cook dinner for us, clean the house before he leaves.... so I’m not really complaining about the him not sleeping in bed with me thing right now.

But I wanted other moms thoughts.

Please don’t be rude, this is just a question and was curious what other Glow partners do?

Thanks ladies.