Back to cd 1 // cycle 13

So this last week I just knew that I wasnt going to be pregnant. I felt like I was and then around this time last week I was sitting in bed and I just knew I was going to get my period. The next morning I had a pinkish color in my ewcm and I was like that’s not normal. I posted it on here and everyone said it could be implantation. However I already knew ya know that I wasn’t pregnant this cycle. I didn’t feel like we had enough sex during my fertile window. I had 3 full days of blazing positives, but we didn’t have sex as often as we should have and I was just not convinced that I was going to be pregnant.

I cried and pouted, Christmas Day came and I just had absolutely no excitement in me. I tried to change my attitude but it was difficult. And then the next day I was laying in bed and the period cramps started. I knew that af was truly on her way. She was 2 days late according to glow, but to me she’s right on time. I woke up this morning, sneeze and there she was! Now I’m right back to the drawing board.

I have started us on another strict amount of vitamins as last month I kept forgetting. We have preseed which we tried the last three months and it didn’t really do much. I tried temping at the beginning of the year and it just wasn’t my thing. However I have been using opks since October’s cycle.

Is there anything else that maybe we should try? We tried for the sperm meets egg method but just ended up totally missing the most important days which were after my positive opks. We got into an argument (go figure)

Anyway thank you ladies, for reading all this and for helping in anyway you can.

Here’s to cycle 13!