No gestional sac

Anna • *Mummy of 3 baby angels ( first loss Aug 2018, second loss with twins Jan 2019) after IFV treatment; 2 chemical pregnancy. Waiting for my rainbow baby. 🤰😇🌈

Hi there.

I am 6 weeks pregnant with <a href="">IVF</a> treatment. Went for a private scan today but they were not able to find a gestional sac yet. Endometrial tickened was 11.8mm. No signs of ectopic pregnancy either. Beta HCG were going up quite slow last week at about a 75% rise. Haven't done a test since due to my fertility clinic being closed for holidays. Have another scan with our fertility clinic in the new year, but the scan from today made me feel like loosing hope. This will be our second miscarriage this year with our last embryo from storage.

Anyone one been through something simillar?

Thank you.