Ovulation day

I swear, our bodies are so cool. So, I woke up this morning and my cervix was medium height, medium firmness, EWCM. Wait a few hours and go to check it again because why not. Suddenly high, soft, and super wet with EWCM. It’s not super hard to reach since mine is tipped a bit, but my whole finger was up there before I touched it. It’s like slimy, liquidy.. the whole works. (Sorry if TMI). It’s so cool to be able to start getting in tune with your body and feel all these changes. My fiancé and I BD’d last night and will tonight again because what the hey, right?! I hope hope hope we conceive this month. Tracking for some reason is making things more fun, especially because I never paid attention to my cycles before, I just knew they were regular is all!