Shameless boyfriend appreciation post 🤣🤣

Mercedes • 🌈 Rainbow baby born March 8, 2019 🌈

This man right here is literally the most amazing man ever. We have been together for nearly 3 years, and he has just been a constant pillar of support for me. No matter what he is going through, whether it be Work or his own head stressing him out, he always make sure that I am ok mentally first.

We have definitely had our issues, and fallen on hard times, but we keep pushing through. HE keeps me grounded and keeps me pushing through when all I want to do is give up.

In the past 3 years we have suffered through 2 miscarriages together (as well as both of us going through others before we got together). However, in only 13 more short weeks we will be expecting our daughter, and welcoming her into the world.

It took a lot to get us to where we are, and for that I am extremely grateful to him. If it wasn’t for his constant support and him being able to keep a level head about everything, we would not be where we are.

I can’t wait to celebrate our 3 year anniversary come February, and welcome our beautiful little girl into the world come March.

He really is my heart and soul. He is my home.

I really can’t imagine anyone else that I would want to spend the rest of my life with.