Help, it hurts

Okay so I was with my boyfriend and he gave me head fingered me but we got kind of rough. Then not the next day but soon after my vagina kinda hurt, like not too bad just a little itchy but I was thinking oh maybe it’s because i am about to get my period. It’s been almost a week since we got kind of rough and I haven’t done anything since. I did get my period yesterday and I have been using tampons for years but my vagina just really hurts now when I take out a tampon. I don’t know if it’s cause I inserted it incorrectly because I’ve never done that before and it wasn’t dry or anything like I did need to take it out. I just don’t know what is going on. I feel absolutely fine now it just feels like my vagina is all cut up on the inside, should I just not use tampons for this period?