Realization Hurts 😔😭 *emotional thread*


It just really hit me that I am 23 with a 3 year old and a baby on the way and I HAVE NEVER HAD A REAL RELATIONSHIP. I’ve had sex (obviously), I’ve had FWBs, people I’ve loved and have been close to, and situationships BUT NEVER A REAL RELATIONSHIP. I’ve never had that boyfriend, or someone who wanted to claim me, or introduce me, plan a life with me. I’ve always just been this “In these 4 walls” kind of girl. I’d like to think I’m pretty and smart and talented and I know I’m a great mom but I just don’t know what it is about me that people can’t see me as a “have a future with” kind of girl. I would say it’s just the pregnancy hormones talking but I truly am saddened by this and I feel depressed. Even the person whose baby I am having tries to be nice about it but I feel like I can hear the disgust, shame, and regret in his voice when he thinks I want to talk about a relationship. 🤷🏾‍♀️ The whole thing is just sad and I feel really down, unattractive, and unloved. I don’t want to cry or stress because that’s bad for my pregnancy I just don’t know how to overcome this feeling of low worth and value and I just wish I could identify and change whatever is wrong with me that is sooooo bad that I’m just not worth it. I need to vent but I also wonder if anyone has felt like this before and how you overcame/handled it? I feel like I’m getting too old to be going through this stuff (I know I’m not old just you feel like things should be different after a while). I’m hurting and trying to figure this out 😭