Husband has high white cell count in sperm


We got the results back from the doctor today from my husband’s semen analysis...of course the doctor talked to my husband when I was at work so I’m getting the translation from my hubby lol 🙄

The white cell count in his sperm was high which could indicate an infection. He prescribed an antibiotic for 10 days and said to repeat the analysis in about 1 month.

He also said that my husband could take Vitamin E to help with fertility.

I had a few questions my husband didn’t ask the doctor...

1. Is plain old Vitamin E the way to go? Or should I look into a fertility supplement for him?

2. Could this “infection” have been there for a long time? We have been TTC for about 2 years (1 year not preventing it & 1 year actively trying). I also read that it could be caused by a back up of white blood cells if we are not BD enough?

3. How important is the 2nd semen analysis? We paid $150 out of pocket for the first one because it wasn’t covered by his insurance. My insurance also only covers limited fertility things so we are paying out of pocket for other things as well.