So confused

Rachel • Married to my better half, Mommy to a beautiful baby boy born 11/17/16, baby in Heaven MC 12/12/18, Baby girl Born 10/21/19.

I had a miscarriage 2.5 weeks ago and have been testing with hpts and blood levels. I haven’t gone for blood levels for awhile, but 1.5 weeks ago they were at 1,116 following 4,639 about 3 days before. I took another hpt this morning with an opk just because I had a feeling I may be ovulating soon and this is what I got. I’m so confused. Can you ovulate with very small amounts of hcg in your system? The hpt is almost not even there but I can still see it and the opk looks like it’s positive it almost positive. I have read that wondfos could possibly detect hcg at 5 but most likely around 10-25. Help me out ladies. Please and thank you! 💕 I’m going to post in a couple other groups so that I can get the most input.