33 + 2 extreme fatigue, anyone else?


So I am 33 weeks and 2 days into my 3rd pregnancy. Having our 3rd little man. I am exaughsted all the time, I get between 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day and I'm still exaughsted to the point I feel like I might pass out. I have 2 pretty easy to handle kiddos one is almost 5 the other is 20 months. I've got this intense fatigue, nausea is back out of no where. I feel full 24/7 so I do t want to eat, when I do it makes me sick to my stomach. I feel like baby may come around the 37 week mark, just a weird feeling I have.

Anyone else feel this miserable physically and mentally?

It's like i have so much left to do before baby gets here and I have zero energy or resolve to do it.

Sorry rant over lol.