Would the court allow...?

Your kids father to take a 11 month old and 2 month to his home where you know he keeps and smokes weed anywhere. He has stashes of it and sells it and idk what else. Also keeps pipes/bongs (could be proven)? He also lives with two other men and his girl cousin with 3 of her babies all under 3. Im worried about their safety. My kids dont speak yet and im scared he'll just let the cousin watch them while he gets high or does ssomething stupid. Iv gone to get a few of my stuff and found shit everywhere he doesnt even lock the back room. He hasnt helped me with anything doesnt want to work and its been a month since we split n he last seen them. When i told him i was going to put child support he threaten to take them whenevr he wanted. I know thats not how it works but im still scared. Does anyone know what the court can do or what kind of visitstion he gets if it was to ever get that far?