Am I wrong?

My boyfriend and I were in the car driving home from running errands. When we pull up to our curb and he had to parallel park. He wasn’t doing a good job but I didn’t say anything cause he looked tense and anxious cause it was his first time. After he gave up and tried driving down the road to do a u-turn, so he could park on the other side of our street, I said “you were too far out next time try getting a little closer.” Just as constructive criticism. He got a little upset and tried to ignore it. When he was trying to do the u-turn he pulled into a parking lot and parked and backed out and did all that just to do a u turn. I told him “you could have just gotten closer to the curb and turned. That way you wouldn’t have to do all that, and it’ll be faster and easier.” He did not let that one go, he flipped out and said I was attacking him and “hitting him where it hurts” I followed up by explaining that it was just constructive criticism and I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings but I just kept trying to further explain that I was just being honest and I don’t mean to personally attack him. I just saw it as him not being able to handle criticism. He then followed that up by saying “it’s like if I were to say you were a fatass when you ask me if you’re fat, it’s basically like that! You’re being an ass and you’re basically hurting me when I’m already down.” . At this point I’m feeling hurt and my eyes fill with tears. I couldn’t believe that I just commented on his parking and he immediately attacks me with my biggest insecurity. I’ve struggled with my body image and my weight for years and for him to just bring it up and also manage to call me a fat ass. I asked him if that’s how he really saw me? He said “idk but you know what I mean” I got out of the car in tears and he could not understand why I was upset. If I made mean comments about him and I expect him to just brush it off. I tried explaining that the difference was I was just commenting on his parking and he reacted by bringing up my biggest insecurity and my biggest struggle. He just keeps saying “forget it you just don’t get it” like boy! The one who isn’t getting it is you! What do you guys think? What should I do? I don’t have many friends so I have no one to talk about this type of stuff.

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