HELP...back from the ER...placenta previa for baby A 😐


Warning, long story ahead but please read or at least scroll to the end.

Feeling fine all day and make a typical trip to the bathroom. I wipe and look at the tissue (because we all do) and I see a decent amount of blood. Look in the toilet and there's more blood, enough to leave me concerned. Trying not to panic, I go back downstairs and tell my husband them call the after-hours line for my OB. A midwife calls back about 30 minutes later and tells me to go to the ER. Before we leave, I go back to check and the blood flow seems to have stopped. Btw, I've had zero bleeding or cramping since we conceived except for a few hours of implantation bleeding.

We get to the ER and after the usual questions and checks they eventually bring us back for an ultrasound. Apparently for ER ultrasounds, the techs aren't supposed to talk to you and show you the screen. They conduct the US and pass the results on, and the doctor is supposed to review the results with you. Our tech was a sweetheart and saw how anxious we were, turned the screen and talked us through everything! The first thing she did was show us both heartbeats, I broke down in tears. Both babies were active so we were confused why I was bleeding. She was having trouble finding both placentas, she could only definitively see baby B's.

Sidebar - I JUST went in 2 days ago for my final 1st trimester with my OB and everything checked out. Strong heartbeats, active babies, both progressing well. By the end of the scan the tech told us the placentas were anterior and we left feeling great. Next appointment and scan was scheduled for 4 weeks out.

Back to today. After the tech couldn't find baby A's placenta she suspected it might be low lying, so I needed to empty my bladder so that she could do and transvaginal scan. She was right, A's placenta is sitting on top of my cervix. She did a thorough scan of my uterus and ovaries, everything else checked out.

We finally see an ER doctor and he confirmed the previa. My mind is still spinning from the news so I plan to read up on the condition but according to the Dr it's possible as the babies and uterus grow the placenta could creep up and move off the cervix. He also warned us that mc is still possible. Of course I freaked out and am still freaking out. I've been put on pelvic rest until further notice.

Now I have to stress for the rest of the weekend and wait til Monday to schedule a follow up exam with my OB, that's if they're even open on Monday.

Twin moms, I need someone to be my silver lining and give me some hope. Has anyone else gone through this? What was your experience? Any advice? I'm worried about baby A even though she (we think it's a girl) is looking strong and developing right on target. I'm trying not to freak out but how can I not??? 😔😔