I give up.

This past year has been awful for me. 2018 has been the worst year possible. I’ve been knocked down so many times. I’ve been kicked. I haven’t had any support. I’ve been with the same man for almost 3 years. We decided to start trying to conceive. It was exciting first because I never knew what was going to happen. Months go by & nothing happens. I keep getting negatives. He already has a son so I know he can have babies. He isn’t supportive but says he wants a family with me. He makes jokes about me not being able to get pregnant. I see how all of your boyfriends & husbands are just so sweet & supportive... mine is so mean to me. So rude to me. “It’ll never happen.” He always says to me. & so much more mean things that i can’t even begin to type. I’m giving up because I don’t think he is the right guy. I’m so heartbroken. I’m so lost.