Concerned please help

Ok I’ll make this short as possible and straight to the point. So I took two plan B’s a few months back and yes I know you aren’t suppose to take them like that and yes I know it’s not a form of birth control. Yes I know it can throw my cycle off for a while. Ok so, each time I took it I got my period a few days early and I continued to get my period every month afterward but it was just a few days early but still in the normal range. I had 28-30 day cycles now they range from 24-30 not a big difference. I still get pms symptoms etc only thing that has changed is my period comes 2-3 days early THATS ALL. I was wondering could i still conceive even though my period may be out of wack for a few months? Idk if this is because of the plan B or if my cycle just changed in all bc I know it could vary sometimes and not stay the exact same your entire life. I’m concerned that the hormones will mess with me ovulating. I still ovulate every month but I wonder if im having any type of hormonal imbalance? Can it interfere with conceiving?