Fell in love at 16

I’m currently 18 ( 19 tomorrow lol ) but when I was 16 I met this guy who I fell head over heels, he was my first and I was super close with him before hand .. well a few months later we broke up and I found out he cheated on me, my dumbass took him back on and off for over a year and each time he cheated but he always said he changed .. my ex MENTALLY abused me at the age 16 and now that I’m 19 I’m talking to this guy and I swear it scares me .. I was believed that I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t skinny enough, my teeth wasn’t straight enough .. but this new guy he calls me beautiful but being mentally abused for over a year and a half, it’s hard to believe .. anyone go through this at any age? How did you cope ?