Leaving 15 month old for a trip


I need some reassurance. My cousin is getting married in the Keys, I live in PA so this is quite a trek. It’s more than a full day’s drive. I hadn’t intended to go. Originally it was to only be her immediate family and she asked me to be her MOH back home in PA when they returned as we’d be doing a shower and all that stuff as well as a reception. Well...we are all very close with our large extended family and people decided to go anyway and as her MOH she asked me to come down. She was super nice, not pressuring and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited. My husband, mom, and I are flying down together to join my family and we were originally going to take my son who is 15 months. The more I heard the plans, a five hour flight with layovers, bachelorette and other bar hopping for the reception, etc, we decided it would be best to have him stay home. Of course, I already feel separation anxiety.

Here is why I feel okay with the decision to keep him here: He is independent enough and goes to my MIL and GMIL’s during the day while we are at work (they switch off and that’s who will keep him), he has a crib at one and a pack n play at the other where he is used to sleeping in and he’s spent the night at both places before. He is very good about going to sleep on his own and sleeps through the night. I am no longer breast feeding. We will be taking him to his favorite restaurant and spending quality time with him before taking him to my MiLs and tucking him in as we have to leave at 2 am for our 5 am flight and I don’t want to have to wake him. We are returning a day earlier than needed, work gave me all 4 personal days to use at one time, because I want to spend all of Thursday when we return with him.

He knows and loves both places but I just can’t handle the idea of being gone from Friday at bedtime until Wed at bedtime (if not Thursday morning because I don’t know how the return trip will be). Has anyone done this? Was it a disaster or did everything work out? My cousin (brides brother and sister in law) are leaving their 3 month old for the whole week and I’m boggled lol). Please save the sanctimommy BS. I know there are people who don’t leave their kids ever and that’s fine but I don’t believe what I am doing is wrong...I just need a little reassurance as I have an anxiety disorder and I’m well aware I over think things..