Work situation. UPDATE


Sorry this is a bit long but someone please give me some advice.

Lately my job has been very.. dramatic and stressful I guess you could say. I work in retail and I’m a keyholder at the store I work at. Right now we only have 5 staff members which is fine, but we’d also like more. But that has nothing to do with this situation. Well kinda.

Anyways. So it’s me, one other keyholder, the manager, assistant manager and two sales associates.

On Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> some shit went down that made me and the other keyholder very uncomfortable and confused. The quick story is that the ASM and one sales associate were pissed off because we had to work, after closing time the SA basically threw a fit, cussing, yelling throwing things etc. the ASM was mad too and decided that we were just done and going to leave the store how it was and deal with everything the day after Christmas (our manager had gone home from her work day a few hours before close so she was not there) but the ASM said she was going to just tell our manager that we all got mad and just left (not true at all) the other keyholder and I wanted to stay and finish what needed to be done, but the assistant manager being in the position she is, had higher authority so we did what she said.

So fast forward to the day after Christmas, our manager was pissed. The ASM told her an entire lie. And when the other keyholder and I got to work that day our manager pulled us to the back and asked us what really happened and we explained. We both had to write statements about what happened etc. I did not get in trouble and neither did the other keyholder. But the SA and ASM did.

This is where things now have gone completely mad and downhill... this is where I’m needing advice.

So, the assistant manager had already talked about resigning and leaving this company. Manger knew about it, but the ASM said she was going to wait until after January 13th.

Well. Tonight after work, she texted me and asked if I could cover her shift Wednesday. I said possibly and she asked to call me. I said sure. So she calls me and says “so my boyfriend isn’t giving me a choice now. This job has been stressful on our relationship and I just can’t do it anymore. So I was wanting you to cover the shift on Wednesday because I plan on just turning in my keys then”

I was shocked and felt awful so I did say I would, before I knew this next part. She asked me to not inform our manager. We have to tell our manager about any shift that we swap with another employee or cover. But the ASM asked me to just meet her at work on Wednesday and walk in with her to work, while she turned in her keys and says to our manager “I found someone to cover”

My relationship with my manager is GREAT. We get a long GREAT. I’m one of the top employees, I love my job. I always go in happy and excited to work and I do love my manager. She is literally like a mother figure to me. The ASM asked me not to say one word of this to our manager and I feel like I should. But I also don’t want to betray someone who has been a decent friend to me, at least up until the events on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>.

I just feel so torn and stressed about this any have absolutely no clue what to do. We have a staff meeting on Monday but I don’t work until then and wont see my manager until then. So if I decide to tell her I would want to do it tomorrow (Sunday.) this is just tearing me apart I literally just broke down In tears because I don’t know what to do.


So I was up literally until 3/4 am struggling with this In My head and asked my manager to call me this morning. I told her everything and I do feel so much better. She told me I shouldn’t be dealing with this, that it’s stress that I don’t need. So. She is going to call our district manager and they’re going to handle it all. I feel better and much calmer now. Thank you all for the advice. Hearing you’re views really helped me. I love my job so much and I feel so much better.