Hour 72


I came in exactly 72 hours ago to start my induction process due to high blood pressure. Here’s how the process has been so far:


3:30PM- arrived at MediFlower

5:00PM- 0cm dilated, only slightly effaced. Inserted prostaglandin gel.

*contractions every 5-6 minutes*


12:00AM - removed prostaglandin strip. 1cm dilated

*contractions spaced out and became less intense overnight*

9:30AM - inserted new prostaglandin strip

5:00PM - review blood and urine labs. Have pre-eclampsia. Discuss options.

7:30PM- removed strip, 1cm dialated, softer

*contractions spaced out and became less intense*


7:00AM - 2cm, softer, lower. Inserted prostaglandin strip.

*contractions every 2 minutes. Becoming intense. Doctor and midwife are both constantly asking if I’m okay and why I’m still smiling lol*

4:00PM - remove prostaglandin strip. Membrane sweep. Start Pitocin.

And now here I am! Let’s see if the end of day 3 brings us a baby! If not, she will be a due date baby coming on 12/31 ☺️💕