Am I the only paranoid psycho here...? HELP

I’m 8 weeks pregnant, the baby was planned and me and my boyfriend are extremely excited. But! Oh there’s always a but.. this week it hit me. I am so terrified of having a disabled child. Especially DS. And honestly I’m embarrassed of this but I feel like I couldn’t handle it. I’m 26, pretty healthy, no disabilities in my bfs or my family but I’m still worried. Classic example of overthinking but I have constant panic attacks and can’t help it. We have our second (first proper) ultrasound in couple of days but until around 12 weeks we won’t find out if the baby is healthy. In case anything happen I would strongly consider termination, but it’s not even possible as it’s illegal in my country. I couldn’t wait to get pregnant and now I can’t even enjoy it because of this constant fear. Please don’t give me hatred for this, I feel bad already. Does anyone feel that way? How to enjoy our growing bean without worrying..?