

Ok. So I got out of a weird relationship around the end of August. About a week later I had rekindled my relationship with someone I was really close with last school year. We had planned to be together and stuff this year, but his grandmother passed away and he had to move to a different state. He had said that when he comes back, it’s me and him. He has said that he wants to get married and have kids and all this stuff. And it all sounds good which kinda makes me excited. So he had left and this other boy became like my best-friend. Him and I ended up catching feelings for each other. So he and I were in like the talking stage while me and the other boy were doing like a long distance thing. So while I wasn’t getting attention from the boy who moved, my “best friend” was there. So me and my “best friend” were getting closer and me and him used to always be around each other and hugging and kissing and stuff. Everybody in my class knew we were like this unofficial thing. So the boy that left had found out but he didn’t really care that much about it. So after a few weeks, other girls started getting all flirty with my best friend and I was getting a little jealous because like he’s mine. Him and I had a rough patch because of it and we’ve never been the same. But during that rough patch, me and the boy that moved had figured out and admitted our feelings to each other, he loves me and I love him. So I love this other boy, and I’m always kissing and flirting with my best friend. So about two moths later, I got kicked out of my dads house and had to go live with my mom. So while I’m there, me and the boy that left had become closer and got our relationship back on track. Once I was all settled, I texted my best friend and found out that he was “talking” to one of the girls that liked him that he said he didn’t want. So now I can’t be in a relationship with either one of the boys because I live in different state. I’ve still been talking to both of them everyday because I can’t let the one I love go or my best friend. So just the other day, my best friend told me that he loves me too and I kinda feel the same way 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. So now I’m confused what to do. They both want to move out to where I live once we all graduate and be here with me, but I’m not sure what to do. I’ve been told that I love really hard which is a problem in cases like this. And then in addition to all of this, one of my exes said that he wanted us to he together again yesterday. So now I’m confused what to do, I’m in love with three different boys, but I don’t wanna get back with my ex because he’s a childish cheater, none of them that I can be with rn but what yo be with me in the future. So any suggestions on what I should do?