Weight Loss


Ok so these two pictures were taken about 8 months apart. Back in January I made the stereotypical New Years resolution to lose weight like I do every year, however, this year I followed through not only because it was in my health and life best interest, but my weight was actually preventing me from being able to pursue a career in the armed forces. I am proud to say that as of this December I was officially enlisted. But also anyone who says it’s all about exercise is wrong, because I didn’t start noticing true results until I changed my diet. I easily lost the first twenty pounds by cutting out fast food and soda. Then came the hard part of those plateaus and not knowing what else to do. I went from about 200 lbs. to currently at about 155-160 range, and due to the fact that I still have to endure BMT and a lifetime of PT tests to make sure I meet standards (totally fine with) I’m confident that I’ll get to where I wanna be. 🥰🥰 I do wanna day that once you get into it, it becomes a lot more fun I swear