i have been on birth control for at the least four months now . i haven’t been sexually active but for two of those months . my cycle is 26 days and my period is two days since i’m on lo loestein fe ( a type of birth control ) . our first accident happened on the 13th of november . we didn’t use a condom and he never finished but i was worried about pre cum so i went and took a plan b 13 or 14 hours later . i then had my period on the 22nd and 23rd of november which was my scheduled time for my birth control period . i then took a pregnancy test a few days after and it was negative . our biggest accident and most recent accident was on the 28th of november . i was still taking my birth control every single day at the exact same time which was 9pm on the dot . our condom broke and we both flipped out because he came inside of me while he was pulling out . i then took another plan b within 30 minutes of the accident . within a week , i started spotting light brown which turned into dark brown and then stopped at a light red . this went on for about one to two weeks . i was also having light stomach cramps and i still am . my next scheduled period was supposed to be the 18th and 19th of december . when that rolled around , it never came . this threw me into a complete nervous wreck . we took a pregnancy test on the 21st of december which was three days after my missed period and it was negative . we then took another one on the 26th which was eight days after the first day of my missed period ( i heard that was the accurate time to take it ) and it was negative . the last few days i have felt like i’ve had acid on my stomach and i’ve felt nauseous every time i have eaten but it goes away shortly after . now for my questions .. i have taken all my pregnancy tests either during the day or at night . could this affect them and give me a false negative ?? i heard that if you take more than one plan b close together while taking birth control , it can throw it off to the next month . is this true ?? and is that what’s happening to me ?? lastly , is there anyway that i could be pregnant ?? should i stop freaking myself out and taking pregnancy tests ?? should i be worried about the nauseousness four weeks after the condom broke ?? or is it a coincidence ?? thank you so much and any answer would help !!! ** i am waaayy too young to be having kids !! *