TTC After Miscarriage 😢


Hi Ladies, I haven’t visited this community since my miscarriage in August.. I shared my faint positive test back in July and I had a clear BFP shortly after that.. But only 2 weeks after, I experienced some spotting and went straight to the ER. They said my HCG levels were still high and I would need to wait to see my OB in a few days to see if the levels raised or dropped.. I was on bed rest for a couple of days but I already knew what was happening with the intense low back pressure, cramping, and slowly more bleeding and small clots. 💔 My OB then confirmed the levels had dropped and would need to test again in a week to be sure they returned to 0. I was devastated to say the least. I have an almost 5 year old son and my husband and I have been trying on and off for a few years now for a second child. This was the first positive I’ve had since my pregnancy with my son and honestly a miscarriage was the last thing on my mind.. I haven’t been ready to try again but now I feel ready to start TTC although I’m a little nervous as well as trying to make myself as healthy as I can because I am overweight and would like to lose some weight first. I’m praying something good will come in 2019! But Anyway I just wanted to know if any of you ladies would have some good advice or motivational words. I would really appreciate it. Thank you! ❤️