I need help

Tiffany • 🎉🎊First baby due in January 2019💟😱so ready to meet my lil bean

I am a 18 year old. I have been on my own since I was 16 and I am due with my first baby in 16 days. I moved from north carolina to arkansas to be with my babys dad but that has been the worst mistake of my life. I don't have any money, I don't have any friends anymore and they family I have left is my grandparents. My dad has abused me physically and emotionally since I was 6 and my mom killed herself when I was 5. Long story short I never had anything handed to me and a lot of the times stuff that was given to me was snached away. I woke up this morning and my bf and I started to fight over something so stupid and then he took away all the baby stuff we had and is keeping it from me and told me to leave by the first.. I have no money no job or anywhere to go now and my baby will be here any day and she will have nothing because of what he did I don't know what to do anymore