Finally .... IUI #6!!!


After numerous set backs and a surgery the wifey and I had our 6th <a href="">IUI</a> on Saturday!

Fingers crossed!!! We had 2, possibly 3 follicles (one was questionable if it would be mature in time) with 46million post wash sperm (66% motility).

The next two weeks are going to be long and suspenseful... but we are ever so hopeful and glad to be able to start trying again. It’s been a long year of trying and set backs!

Dec17-Feb18’: establish with RE, starting BBT & prenatal vitamins, cut down carbs and soda

March 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> #1, Natural cycle, BFN

April 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> #2, Natural cycle, BFN

May 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> #3, Natural cycle, BFN

June 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> #4, Natural cycle, BFN

July 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> #5, Medicated cycle (Femara 5mg), 3 follicles plus cyst, 93.4 million sperm ; 54% motility BFN

August 18’: Cyst present; laparoscopy scheduled for End of Sept to drain cyst, <a href="">IUI</a> on hold

Sept 18’: surgery

Oct 18’ <a href="">IUI</a> canceled, Medicated Cycle (Femara 5mg); no response

Nov 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> Cycle canceled for abnormal hormones; placed on birth control for one month

Dec 18’: <a href="">IUI</a> #6 Medicated Cycle (Femara 7.5mg) 2 or 3 follicles: 46 million sperm, 66%
