Please help the er won’t ....

I’m taking a bath and this comes out of me with other white stuff, It feels like glue ish stretchy—?? I haven’t had sex in a couple of days and it was only for a few minutes quickie . <a href="">Eve</a> says I’m ovulating right now . Last month and a half - 2 months I had a uti and was giving antibiotics for it and kept going back abt 3-4 times to the er and got other meds and stuff - and I went about two weeks ago in pain abt crying because it still felt like I had it and now the pain pops in here and there every single day- and it always feel just .. off.. like something isn’t right down there. It feels swollen on the inside and it hurt a bunch and when I pee it burns and hurts some but after I finish it’s like I just got stabbed there . I don’t really know what to do and er isn’t helping and nothing they give me is helping and I don’t know how to continue like this .