Opinions needed

Okay, hello <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> users. I have a slight question that I need opinions on. Here’s the back story,

So i met this guy on Tinder (may or may not be my first mistake). Anyways, so we’ve been talking for a couple months and we decided to go on a coffee date to finally meet. It went amazing. We’re into the same things and I didn’t want to leave when he had to. Before leaving, he stated he wasn’t looking for anything serious right now. As we left, he asked if I wanted to make out in his car (haha yeah, i said yes.). So obviously his intentions are to sleep with me for now, which we did, but how long should I give him until I move onto another guy? I kinda want a relationship with him but he says he’s not ready for one right now (he got out of a longterm one like 5 months ago).. do I just give up now or do I give him some time to keep fucking around with me and maybe he’ll be ready sometime in the future?

That may have been super confusing and i’m sorry, i’m confused myself😂